Our Core Values
Everything we do must point people to the Lordship of Jesus
- The truth of God’s Word leads people to the One who is Truth
- Our goal is to deepen people’s relationship with Jesus, not make them dependent upon us
- See people and situations as Jesus does, through eyes of faith

Powerhouse homes flow in the power of the Holy Spirit
- After believers are born-again, there is a second, distinct experience in which the Holy Spirit empowers believers (Acts 1:8)
- The power of the Holy Spirit changes the believer from within (Fruit of the Spirit) and flows out through the believer (Gifts of the Spirit)
- Lasting change comes spiritually, not intellectually
Marriage is a covenant relationship
- Marriage between a man and a woman reflects the covenant relationship between Jesus and the Church
- Each covenant partner agrees to be faithful no matter what the other one does
- Faithfulness is unconditional
- The covenant is until death

Marriage between a man and a woman is the basis for God's plan for family
- God intends for family to produce healthy sons and daughters in the image of their Father
- All aspects of family life flow from and relate back to the marriage covenant
- Addressing family issues must include developing a healthy marriage
We are to make disciples of all nations
- Discipling is more than disseminating information
- Discipling includes training, modeling and accountability– modeling is a transparent demonstration of process rather than perfection in the lives of the disciplers
- Discipling is based in relationship

We are to produce fruit with the seed of reproducibility
- We are all to bear fruit and multiply
- Our role in the earth is to give to others what God gives to us
- Although gifts and talents of people vary, others must be able to duplicate each model produced
- Everyone who ministers in 2=1 should be making disciples at the same time
In a marriage, their individual call and destiny are blended together
- Both husband and wife are equally called of God
- Each spouse needs to respect, honor, and nurture the gifts and talents of the other
- Couples need to be taught how to blend their gifts and talents to equip them in the synergism of a one-flesh team
- We are responsible to seek out those who will disciple us in our call

Homes are points of outreach to a lost world
- Marriage and family reflect God’s relationship to His Church
- 2=1 leaders are ordinary couples demonstrating the power of God in our homes, jobs, and lives
- We are to teach couples how to reach their neighborhoods, communities, and other spheres of influence
God views families generationally
- Decisions and actions of one generation affect successive ones
- One generation has the power in Jesus to stop generational curses
- One generation has the ability to perpetuate blessings generationally
- Christians must think and plan generationally

Followers of Christ are an army
- We have an objective and a mission
- We need to honor spiritual authority to be in spiritual authority
- We need to recognize and honor the different roles of those serving in the army
- We must be dedicated to fighting until we see victory manifested
- We are not individual soldiers who get to pick and choose with whom, when and where we will serve