Please complete this form to register for this event. Use one form for each couple. We are presuming that you are booking for TWO people. Please inform us in the Comments box at the end if this is not the case.

Couples will need to arrange their own accommodation. There are several local hotels nearby.

Do you have any dietary requirements?


The total cost of the conference as a daytime participant (without hotel stay) is €50 per couple, and this cost includes a light snack on Saturday and Sunday morning. Meals are NOT included in this price. They cost €19 per person per meal. Payment for meals can be made at the hotel. However, we would like to know how many meals you will book, so that we can inform the hotel how many people will have to be served. Children can be accompanied by adults at the event and have free entry, but if they want a meal, there will be an additional charge depending on the age of the child.
50 EUROS (€)
Please contact us if you need any more information:
2=1 Europe
Tel: 00-44-(1)494677737 - email:
0,00 €