Married for Life
Married for Life
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Do you know it takes more preparation and testing to get a driver’s license than a marriage license?
Did you realize that people invest time in preparing for a career, learning a new skill, or developing a talent yet they often marry believing it will “just come naturally”?
Who teaches us how to succeed in marriage? Where do we go to find out how to not just survive, but to thrive?
Well, we believe it’s always best to go to the source. Who created marriage? That’s the one who should have the answers!
Course dynamics
12 Lesson plus Graduation ceremony.
2=1 groups are offered onsite as Group Leaders open their homes weekly to teach dynamic lessons of God’s plan for marriage. Along with teaching, Leaders engage couples in interactive discussions of what God is doing in their lives. After the course is finished, the group invites other couples to come and hear what God has done for them. Strong bonds are created in these groups and many couples continue being friends long after the group has finished.
2=1 groups are also offered via the internet through online, interactive teachings. No longer is location a barrier to you joining a group and learning the biblical principles that will transform your marriage. As long as you have a fast internet connection and a webcam then this course is very accessible to you. All couples in a group are connected together for teachings and can see and interact with each other.
Course Prices (per couple)
Standard Price
£50 online (without ability to download or print manual)
£65 paper manual
Concession Price*
£30 online (without ability to download or print manual)
£45 paper manual
* concession prices apply to couples who have done one of our courses before, are both full time students, are in full-time Christian ministry or on government benefits
Week 1 - Covenant
Is your marriage a covenant or a contract? Do you know the difference?
Week 2 - One Flesh
How do two become one? Learn if you're helping or hindering the process.
Week 3 - Roles
What is a wife supposed to do? How about a husband? The answers may surprise you.
Week 4 - Sowing and Reaping
Things don't just happen by accident. Learn the connection between today's actions and tomorrow's outcome.
Week 5 - Forgiveness
Is it really possible to forgive? Under what circumstances? How many times do you need to forgive?
Week 6 - Vision of Faith
Sometimes you're just looking at each other through the wrong lenses. Learn how to improve your vision.
Week 7 - Praying Together
Don't skip this important step on your way to the bedroom.
Week 8 - Agreement
Don't think you'll ever agree? This lesson may surprise you.
Week 9 - Intimacy
Your sexual intimacy will never be the same again after this lesson.
Week 10 - Spiritual Warfare
Learn to fight the right way. Identify your enemy, choose your weapons.
Week 11 - Life Style
Make the changes last! Learn how to ensure that what you've started won't stop.
Week 12 - One Flesh Ministry
Going beyond the status quo. You're a team now, make the most of it!
Preview of the First Lesson
If you are interested in attending a course, please click the Know More button to give us your details. Only if you have already been allocated to a group should you click the button to Register for a course. Thank you.
To register for a course choose a country in the list