Parents for Life

Parents for Life

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Whether our children are infants or adults, once we have them, we are parents for life. Wouldn’t it be great if we couldn’t have children until we passed Parenting 101 with flying colours? With “Parents for Life”, our Bible-based parenting course, you are well equipped to give your children the solid start they need in life.

Unfortunately, most of the time as parents we learn as we go. We learn from relatives and friends, from books we read and videos we watch, we learn from radio and television..and mostly we learn that we really don’t know much about what we are doing.

Wouldn’t it be great to learn from the One who gave us our children in the first place? He created each one of them unique and special and He is the one who knows what each one needs and what will help each one grow and thrive.

Course dynamics

9 Lesson plus Graduation ceremony.

2=1 groups are offered onsite as Group Leaders open their homes weekly to teach dynamic lessons of God’s plan for marriage. Along with teaching, Leaders engage couples in interactive discussions of what God is doing in their lives. After the course is finished, the group invites other couples to come and hear what God has done for them. Strong bonds are created in these groups and many couples continue being friends long after the group has finished.
2=1 groups are also offered via the internet through online, interactive teachings. No longer is location a barrier to you joining a group and learning the biblical principles that will transform your marriage. As long as you have a fast internet connection and a webcam then this course is very accessible to you. All couples in a group are connected together for teachings and can see and interact with each other.


What you will learn....

How the way you were parented affects how you parent.

How to forgive and let go of childhood woundings.

How to prevent making the same mistakes with your children.

Why a child needs two parents.

God’s plan for husband and wife as a parenting team.

Why moms can’t be dads and dads can’t be moms.

How God uniquely creates each child.

What is your child’s personality and giftings.

How to best help each of your children develop uniquely.

Which comes first, teaching or training.

How to train children to obey immediately.

Why early training makes a difference throughout life.

What is each child’s learning style.

How to make learning enjoyable.

How parents teach 24/7.

How to agree on what discipline is appropriate.

How to recognize reactive discipline.

How a child’s temperament determines the best discipline.

When to begin letting go.

Why we are parents for life, not parenting for life.

How to co-operate with God’s plan for each of your children.

Each parent’s role in developing healthy adults.

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